RaceTrac Summerfield - Waiver Request to Major Site Plan in Review
Parcel #45976-000-00 & 46008-001-00
Project #2008020043 #31043 Parcel #45976-000-00
Mastroserio Engineering
LDC 6.3.1.D(1)(b)1 - Right of Way Dedication Public Road
CODE states The Final Plat shall contain, on the first page, the following dedications executed and acknowledged as required by law, in the forms set forth below: (1) All dedications shall be in the following forms or as approved by the County Attorney (Italic), with the appropriate items below. When a name or entity is used within a dedication item, the exact legal name of the entity shall be provided. (b) Streets, Rights-of-way, and Parallel Access Easements, select as appropriate: 1. For Public Streets. "[All streets and rights-of-way shown on this plat or name specifically if less than all] are hereby dedicated for the use and benefit of the public."
APPLICANT requests waiver to defer the recording of the proposed right-of-way dedication as shown on the site plan after site plan approval and before issuing the building certificate of occupancy. The developer is currently preparing the documents for approval by the county.
LDC 6.3.1.D(1)(b)3 - Cross Access Easement
CODE states The Final Plat shall contain, on the first page, the following dedications executed and acknowledged as required by law, in the forms set forth below: (1) All dedications shall be in the following forms or as approved by the County Attorney (Italic), with the appropriate items below. When a name or entity is used within a dedication item, the exact legal name of the entity shall be provided. For Cross Access Easements. "All parallel access easements shown on this plat are hereby dedicated for the use and benefit of the public, and maintenance of said easements is the responsibility of [entity name]."
APPLICANT requests waiver to defer the recording of the proposed cross access easement dedication as shown on the site plan after site plan approval and before issuing the building certificate of occupancy. The developer is currently preparing the documents for approval by the county.
LDC 6.3.1.D(1)(c)1 - Utility Easements
CODE states The Final Plat shall contain, on the first page, the following dedications executed and acknowledged as required by law, in the forms set forth below: (1) All dedications shall be in the following forms or as approved by the County Attorney (Italic), with the appropriate items below. When a name or entity is used within a dedication item, the exact legal name of the entity shall be provided. Utility Easements, select as appropriate:1."[All utility easements shown or noted or name specifically if less than all] are dedicated [private or to the public] for the construction, installation, maintenance, and operation of utilities by any utility provider."
APPLICANT requests waiver to defer the recording of the proposed utility easement dedication as shown on the site plan after site plan approval and before issuing the building certificate of occupancy. The developer is currently preparing the documents for approval by the county.
LDC 6.12.2. - Right-of-way dedication
CODE states Right-of-way shall be platted or dedicated, meeting the minimum right-of-way width established in Table 6.12-1, to provide for the necessary access and other needed infrastructure improvements supporting the proposed development. Right-of-way can be provided by easement if approved by DRC.
APPLICANT requests waiver to defer the recording of the proposed right of way dedication as shown on the site plan after site plan approval and before issuing the building certificate of occupancy. The developer is currently preparing the documents for approval by the county.