Request Approval of Ninth Contract Amendment: 18Q-160-CA-09 Southwest/Northwest 80th Avenue Widening Preliminary Engineering Report - Guerra Development Corp., Ocala, FL (Budget Impact - Neutral; additional expenditure of $388,530)
Susan Olsen, Director Procurement Services
On November 18, 2018, the Board awarded a contract to Guerra Development Corp. to develop and provide a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) that will support the widening and other future improvements to SW/NW 80th/70th Avenue from SW 90th Street to ½ mile north of US 27. The Office of the County Engineer requires additional work, including the design of two new roundabouts: one at the intersection of SW 80th Avenue and SW 38th Street, and second at SE 38th Street connecting to the southern West Port High School driveway. Other services include additional cultural resource assessment, environmental analysis, surveying, drainage retention area selection or modification, corridor realignment, and the addition of plan sheets associated with project phasing and right-of-way acquisition.
Attached for review is a draft of the contract along with the fee schedule. Pending approval at today’s meeting, the contract will be sent to Guerra Development Corp. for signatures. Once the contract is returned, it will be routed for appropriate County signatures.
Neutral; expenditure of $388,530. Funding is available from VJ738541-563220 (Project STC073815) - Infrastructure Surtax Capital Project Fund.
Recommended action
Motion to approve the request to allow staff to issue a contract amendment and upon approval by Legal, authorize the Clerk and Chairman to execute the Ninth Amendment with Guerra Development Corp. under 18Q-160-CA-09.