File #: 2025-18034   
Type: Committee Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/6/2025 Meeting Body Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Rainbow Lakes Estates Municipal Services District Advisory Committee - Request Appointment of One Member for a Full-Term Ending March 2029, or an Unexpired Term Ending December 2028
Attachments: 1. 02 18 25 RLE Ballot.pdf, 2. Conner-John_RLE Application_01.21.25.pdf




Rainbow Lakes Estates Municipal Services District Advisory Committee - Request Appointment of One Member for a Full-Term Ending March 2029, or an Unexpired Term Ending December 2028



INITIATOR:                                                                                                                              DEPARTMENT:

Gennifer Medina, Executive Assistant                                          Commission Office


There are two (2) seats available on the Rainbow Lakes Estates Municipal Services District (MSD) Advisory Committee: one (1) full member seat for a new full term ending in March 2029, for which the incumbent will not seek reappointment, and one (1) full member seat for an unexpired term ending in December 2028.

One (1) application was received for the Board’s consideration:

                     John Conner






Recommended action

Motion to appoint the applicant to serve as a full member for a new term ending in March 2029,or to serve as a full member for an unexpired term ending in December 2028.
