Bowman 326 Development - Waiver Request to Major Site Plan in Review
Project #2023080108 #30575 Parcel #12945-000-00
Menadier Engineering
LDC 6.13.8.B(7) - Minimum Pipe Size
CODE states Sizes. Stormwater conveyance pipes and cross culverts shall be a minimum of 18 inches diameter or equivalent. Driveway culverts shall be a minimum of 15 inches diameter or equivalent for residential use and a minimum of 18 inches diameter or equivalent for commercial use. Roof drains, prior to connection to the overall stormwater system, are exempt from minimum diameter requirements.
APPLICANT requests a waiver to use storm pipe less than 18-inches between S-1 and S-2 to avoid pipe crossing conflicts. The required storm pipe capacity is 1.43 CFS which can be managed using 12-inch RCP at 0.44% slope (2.40 CFS @ 3.0 FPS).
LDC 6.7.8 - Protected tree replacement requirements
CODE states All trees not permitted for removal must be protected and maintained. For those protected trees permitted for removal, trees shall be replaced in accordance with the minimum standards set forth below.
APPLICANT requests waiver to install 189-inches of the tree mitigation onto future outparcels and delay installation until said parcels are developed. The 189-inches will become the shade tree requirement for the future outparcels and will be installed at such time they become developed.
LDC 6.8.6.K(2) - Buffers
CODE states B-Type buffer shall consist of a 20-foot wide landscape strip with a buffer wall. The buffer shall contain at least two shade trees and three accent/ornamental trees for every 100 lineal feet or fractional part thereof. Shrubs and groundcovers, excluding turfgrass, shall comprise at least 50 percent of the required buffer.
APPLICANT requests a waiver to allow a 6-foot chain-link fence with opaque slats in lieu of a wall along the northern and eastern boundaries. Both boundaries will include a continuous row of southern red cedars and mixed shade trees. The fence will be located on the project side of each buffer to block the glare from truck headlights. Southern red cedars are large Christmas tree shaped trees that create an immediate privacy screen.
LDC 6.8.7.A. - Parking areas and vehicular use areas
CODE states A minimum five-foot wide landscape area consisting of shrubs and groundcovers, excluding turfgrass, shall be provided around the perimeter of parking areas to form a landscape screen with a minimum height of three feet achieved within one year of planting. A land use buffer that abuts a parking area may satisfy this requirement.
APPLICANT requests a waiver to eliminate the 5-ft landscape strip requirement along the truck parking lot. We're providing a 15-ft type C buffer and 20-ft type B buffer on the east and north boundaries (respectively) with continuous rows of southern red cedar, mixed shade trees, and a 6-ft chain-link fence with opaque slats exceeding the 5-ft landscape strip requirements. The western boundary borders another truck parking lot (similar use) and several shade trees are proposed. The 5-ft strip intent is met.
LDC 6.8.7.C. - Parking areas and vehicular use areas
CODE states A landscaped parking lot island shall be located every ten parking spaces and shall be a minimum of 200 square feet in size with properly drained soils. For paved parking areas within a Primary SPZ, including those with permeable or porous surfaces, parking lot islands shall be completely planted with shrubs or groundcovers; the use of turfgrass is prohibited.
APPLICANT requests a waiver to exceed 10 parking spaces in a row. The proposed use is an overnight truck parking lot in a commercial/industrial area. Oversized landscape islands are provided at the terminus of all rows with multiple shade trees along with perimeter buffers.
LDC 6.7.9.A. - Replacement trees; general requirements
CODE states Replacement trees are a part of the comprehensive tree program and shall work in combination with required shade trees, buffer trees, and any other required landscaping.
APPLICANT requests waiver to install 189-inches of the tree mitigation onto future outparcels and delay installation until said parcels are developed. The 189-inches will become the shade tree requirement for the future outparcels and will be installed at such time they become developed.