Request Approval of Fourth Contract Amendment: 20B-141-CA-04 Drainage Retention Area Mowing Area V - Five Zones - Richard C. Marcinkoski d/b/a Rick’s Lawn Service, Ocala, FL (Budget Impact - Neutral; estimated expenditure of $52,217)
Susan Olsen, Director Procurement Services
On May 5, 2020, the Board approve a contract with Rick’s Lawn Service for routine mowing of drainage retention areas (DRAs), drainage rights-of-way, adjacent road rights-of-way, and conveyance swales within drainage easements. This work includes trimming around structures such as pipe ends, discharge structures, signs, trees, and along fence lines, and may, from time to time, include the use of specialized equipment and hand work. The contractor has complied with the agreement’s terms and conditions, which include renewal options, pending mutual agreement. Steven Cohoon, P.E., County Engineer, recommends the fourth-year term renewal option.
Attached for review is a draft contract. Pending approval at today’s meeting, it will be sent to Rick’s Lawn Service for signatures and upon return, will be forwarded for the County Attorney, Clerk, and Chairman’s signatures.
Neutral; estimated expenditure of $58,217. Actual cost may vary and will not exceed the approved annual budgeted amount. Funding comes from EK430538-534101 - Stormwater Program.
Recommended action
Motion to approve the contract amendment, allow staff to issue a contract renewal, and upon approval by Legal, authorize the Chairman and Clerk to execute the contract under 20B-141-CA-04.