Request Approval of Second Contract Amendment: 24B-084-CA-02 Marion County Drainage Retention Area (DRA) Mowing - Pure Cuts & Lawn Maintenance, LLC, Ocala, FL (Budget Impact; estimated expenditure of $50,000)
Susan Olsen, Director Procurement Services
On March 19, 2024, the Board approved a contract with Pure Cuts & Lawn Maintenance, LLC for countywide drainage retention area mowing. The contractor has complied with the original agreement’s terms and conditions, which include an extension of two, one-year term renewals, pending mutual agreement. Steven Cohoon, P.E., County Engineer, recommends the first, one-year term renewal.
Attached for review is a contract draft and pending approval at today’s meeting, it will be sent to Pure Cuts & Lawn Maintenance, LLC for signatures. Upon return, it will be forwarded to the County Attorney, Clerk, and Chairman for signatures.
Neutral; annual expenditure is estimated at $50,000, however, this estimate may vary based on the actual needs of service. Annual expenditure shall not exceed approved fiscal year budget amounts and shall be based on contracted acreage unit pricing without being brought back to the board. Funding comes from EK430538-534101 - Stormwater Program.
Recommended action
Motion to approve the contract amendment and allow staff to renew the contract, and upon approval by Legal, authorize the Chairman and Clerk to execute the contract under 24B-084-CA-02.