Request Approval of First Contract Amendment: 22BE-165, Armed and Unarmed Security Services - Giddens Security Corporation, Jacksonville, FL (Budget Impact - Neutral; estimated additional expenditure of $15,809)
Susan Olsen, Director Procurement Services
On May 17, 2022, the Board approved a bid exemption to award Giddens Security Corporation (Giddens) a contract for the County’s armed and unarmed security services. The initial contract also included money courier services for various county departments, billed at an hourly rate. Since the inception of the contract, the volume of funds being transported by Giddens has increased, necessitating a higher insurance rate to mitigate the associated risks. To address these evolving needs, a standardized rate of $40.00 per pickup has been negotiated. This rate will be uniformly applied across all relevant county departments. Currently, the Clerk of Courts utilizes Brinks to transport funds from the Judicial Center to the bank. However, the Clerk has expressed a preference to transition this service to Giddens at the newly established rate. The Brinks contract will end on October 1, 2025 and Giddens will take over from that date forward.
Courier services for county departments will be effective upon Board approval, while courier services for the Clerk of Court will begin on October 2, 2025. In addition, this First Contract Amendment renews the agreement for a period of three (3) years, commencing July 1, 2025, and concluding June 30, 2028.
Attached for review is a draft contract amendment; upon approval at today’s meeting, it will be sent to Giddens for signatures, and upon return, will be forwarded for the County Attorney’s, Clerk’s, and Chairman’s signatures.
Neutral; additional annual estimated expenditure of $15,809 for money courier services, for a total annual estimated expenditure with security services of $1,121,550. The funds for this contract are allocated across multiple departments within the county. Each department will contribute to the costs associated with the armed courier services based on its specific needs and usage requirements.
Recommended action
Motion to approve the First Contract Amendment, and upon execution with Giddens Security Corporation, authorize the Chairman and Clerk to execute the amendment under 22BE-165.