File #: 2025-18151   
Type: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/12/2025 Meeting Body Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Request Approval of Bid Award: 25B-009 Rotary Sportsplex Field Improvements - Daly & Zilch, Inc., Lecanto, FL (Budget Impact - Neutral; expenditure of $1,861,675)
Attachments: 1. 25B-009 AGN CNT (d)




Request Approval of Bid Award: 25B-009 Rotary Sportsplex Field Improvements - Daly & Zilch, Inc., Lecanto, FL (Budget Impact - Neutral; expenditure of $1,861,675)



INITIATOR:                                                                                                                              DEPARTMENT:

Susan Olsen, Director                                                                                    Procurement Services


On behalf of the Parks & Recreation Department, Procurement advertised a bid to hire a qualified general contractor for general improvements at Rotary Sportsplex Field including, but not limited to, tree removal, grading, utility and stormwater infrastructure, paving, landscaping, and other improvements in the conversion of two natural fields to synthetic turf. Three (3) submittals were received, and the tabulation is below:

Firm Name- Location

Bid Price

Daly & Zilch (Florida), Inc. - Lecanto, FL


Integrity Site Development, Inc. - Anthony, FL


C.W. Roberts Contracting, Inc. - Ocala, FL



Parks & Recreation Department Director, Jim Couillard, recommends that Daly & Zilch (Florida), Inc. receive the award as the lowest, most responsive, and most responsible bidder.

Attached for review is a draft of the contract. Upon approval at today’s meeting, it will be sent to Daly & Zilch (Florida), Inc. for signature and once returned, it will be forwarded to Legal, the Clerk and Chairman for signatures.



Neutral; expenditure of $1,861,674.40 Up to 10% contingency may be added to the purchase order in accordance with the Procurement Manual. Funding is from AA715572-563102-PRC202201 (General Fund) - $1,361,674.40, and AA361572-563102-PRC202201 (General Fund) - $500,000.



Recommended action

Motion to approve the recommendation and allow staff to issue a contract and authorize the Chairman and Clerk to execute the contract under 25B-009.
