Football Factory - Waiver Request to Major Site Plan in Review
Project #2024030003 #31248 Parcel #3137-002-019
LDC 6.8.6.K(2) - Buffers
CODE states B-Type buffer shall consist of a 20-foot wide landscape strip with a buffer wall. The buffer shall contain at least two shade trees and three accent/ornamental trees for every 100 lineal feet or fractional part thereof. Shrubs and groundcovers, excluding turfgrass, shall comprise at least 50 percent of the required buffer.
APPLICANT requests waiver to install a fence in lieu of wall along SE 57th Court due to site grading (fill being placed), since it's across the roadway from the residential, and landscaping buffer plantings being provided.
LDC 6.11.5.C(1) - Driveway access
CODE states Commercial Driveway Requirements. (1) The minimum allowed distance between a commercial driveway and the nearest intersecting roadway or driveway shall be as shown in Table 6.11-2.
APPLICANT requests waiver to Driveway spacing on SE 41 Street from SE 58th Ave and SE 57 Court. The project proposes a connection to SE 41 St. The driveway connection is needed for emergency access, garbage truck access, a second point of ingress and egress should the driveway on SE 58th Ave become blocked. SE 41 Street is a very low volume roadway with only a few single family residents. Driveway has been proposed to align with commercial across the street to reduce conflict points.
LDC 6.12.12.D - Sidewalks
CODE states at the discretion of the Development Review Committee, in lieu of construction along external streets, the developer may pay a sidewalk fee to the County in an amount necessary to complete construction. This amount shall be determined by the project engineer and approved by the County with payment required prior to final plan approval. The County may use these funds toward the construction of sidewalks throughout the County based on priorities established by the Board.
APPLICANT requests waiver to Propose to pay a fee in lieu of constructing. Installing a sidewalk will decrease existing drainage swale. Sidewalk will not serve anyone since they are across the street and there are no existing sidewalk in the area.
LDC 6.13.2.A(3) - Minimum requirements
CODE states the location and design parameters for all retention/detention areas including: (a) Dimensions or coordinates for constructability. (b) Cross sections, to scale, along the width and length of each pond, showing the design high water elevation, estimated seasonal high-water elevation, pond top elevation, pond bottom elevation, side slope steepness, maintenance berm width, sod stabilization of the pond side slopes, and appropriate vegetative cover on the pond bottom. A typical cross section can be used instead when sufficient information is shown on the plan view which minimally includes pond width and length call outs as measured at the pond's top and bottom elevations. (c) Soil boring location with labels.
APPLICANT requests waiver as the project proposes to exceed the maximum pond depth of 6' in a small center portion of the stormwater pond. The stormwater pond will be fenced for safety purposes and stormwater modeling has been provided to ensure recovery meeting County requirements.
6.13.8.B(7) - Stormwater conveyance criteria
CODE states Sizes. Stormwater conveyance pipes and cross culverts shall be a minimum of 18 inches diameter or equivalent. Driveway culverts shall be a minimum of 15 inches diameter or equivalent for residential use and a minimum of 18 inches diameter or equivalent for commercial use. Roof drains, prior to connection to the overall stormwater system, are exempt from minimum diameter requirements.
APPLICANT requests waiver as the project proposes to use 15" pipes in lieu of the 18" subject to pipe hydraulic calculations being provided.