File #: 2025-18010   
Type: Outside Agencies Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/5/2025 Meeting Body Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action:
Title: George Albright, Tax Collector - Request for Board of County Commissioners to Select Newspaper to Advertise Real Estate and Personal Property with Delinquent Taxes Pursuant to Chapter 197.402, Florida Statutes
Attachments: 1. Delinquent Advertising_George Albright Memo, 2. Delinquent Advertising_Voice of South Marion, 3. Delinquent Advertising_Ocala Gazette, 4. Delinquent Advertising_Ocala Star Banner_Real Estate, 5. Delinquent Advertising_Ocala Star Banner_Tangible Property




George Albright, Tax Collector - Request for Board of County Commissioners to Select Newspaper to Advertise Real Estate and Personal Property with Delinquent Taxes Pursuant to Chapter 197.402, Florida Statutes





George Albright, Tax Collector

Tax Collector



Summary of bids for May 2025 delinquent advertising:


Estimated totals based on approximately 26,000 real estate and 775 tangible personal property delinquent accounts.


Voice of South Marion:

Real Estate $0.31 line/$0.93 per parcel                                          $24,180

Tangible $0.31 line/$0.62 per parcel                                          $     481

Total                                                                                                                                                   $24,661


Ocala Gazette:

Real Estate $0.33 line/$0.99 per parcel                                          $25,740

Tangible $0.33 line/$0.66 per parcel                                          $     512

Total                                                                                                                                                   $26,252


Ocala Star Banner:

Real Estate $0.65 line/$1.95 per parcel                                          $50,700

Tangible $0.55 line/$1.10 per parcel                                          $     853

Total                                                                                                                                                   $51,553



None; proportional costs are added to each delinquent parcel.



Recommended action

Motion to select newspaper and allow staff to advertise real estate and personal property with delinquent taxes pursuant to Florida Statues 197.402.
