Ocala Crossings South Preliminary Plat Phase 5 - Waiver Request to Preliminary Plat in Review
9009 SW 49th Avenue RD Ocala
Project #2024070059 #31798 Parcel #35623-001-01
Mastroserio Engineering
LDC 6.12.9.K - Subdivision roads and related infrastructure
CODE states Centerline radii shall be designed to accommodate the minimum design speed of 30 mph for subdivision local and minor local roads, 40 mph for major local and collector roads, and 45 mph for arterial roads in accordance with FDOT and AASHTO Standards.
APPLICANT requests a waiver to allow the roadway centerlines that do not meet the 30 MPH design speed to remain as it. The developer will install advanced warning signs at these locations.
LDC 6.3.1.C(3) - Final plat requirements
CODE stated dimensions and locations of all lots, tracts, parcels, blocks, and rights-of-way, with each lot, tract, parcel, and block individually distinguishable, located, and identified. For corner lots, show the restricted areas where driveways cannot be placed.
LDC 6.11.5.D(4) - Driveway access
CODE states no driveway shall be located within the sight triangle at corners. Refer to Table 6.11-1 and details in Section 7.3.1. Driveway to corner lots shall be located no closer than the lesser of half of the lot width or 50 feet from the end of the radius. Driveway restriction areas shall be graphically shown on Final Plats for corner lots in compliance with this section.
APPLICANT requests as waiver to allow for this distance to be reduced due to the minimum corner lot size to 55 feet wide and the driveway spacing will not meet the distance as required by code. This is a private road subdivision with low speed traffic. Detail is shown on first sheet for Preliminary Plat.