Request for Waiver from Land Development Code Section 6.14.2.C(1) - Water System Connection for 441 Kalasa, Parcel Number 3924-021-024, Application Number 32224 (Budget Impact - None)
Michael L. Savage, Sr., Building Safety Director Development Review Committee
In accordance with the Marion County Land Development Code (LDC), Article 6, Division 14, Section 6.14.2.C(1), Water system - Existing structures in the Urban or Rural area shall connect to a centralized water system with available capacity if a water line is within a connection distance of 400 feet times the total number of Equivalent Residential Connections (ERCs) and the property is further developed, increasing its total number of ERCs.
The Applicant, Kimley-Horn and Associates, requests a waiver on behalf of the Owner, Kalasa LLC, for building permit 2024043856 for interior renovations for a new tenant in a five-unit commercial building. Applicant states the impact of connecting the existing building to the City of Belleview’s available water, and disconnecting from the existing well, is cost prohibitive, and is requesting the building permit be authorized to proceed, remaining connected to the serving well.
The subject property is located in the southeast portion of the County on approximately 1.07 acres.
This waiver request was denied by the Development Review Committee (DRC) on December 16, 2024.
Recommended action
Motion to uphold DRC’s action for the waiver request.