File #: 2025-18011   
Type: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/5/2025 Meeting Body Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Request Approval of the Second Amendment to Marion County Standard Professional Services Agreement Challenge Grant Program Between Marion County and Ocala Housing Authority (Budget Impact - Neutral; not to exceed $184,973)
Attachments: 1. LRM 2025-91 FINAL SIGNED ATTACHMENT, 2. Challenge Grant - 2nd Amendment with OHA signatures, 3. Ocala Housing Authority Original Agreement- Executed, 4. Ocala Housing First Amendment- Executed, 5. DCF Unified Agreement Amendments 1-10- Executed




Request Approval of the Second Amendment to Marion County Standard Professional Services Agreement Challenge Grant Program Between Marion County and Ocala Housing Authority (Budget Impact - Neutral; not to exceed $184,973)





Cheryl Martin, Director

Community Services



Marion County Ocala/Marion Joint Office on Homelessness receives $86,000 in Challenge Grant funding annually from the Department of Children and Families.  On March 5, 2024 the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved an 8th amendment that increased Challenge Grant Funds to the Continuum of Care by $369,944.82. 


On July 2, 2024 the BCC approved an agreement with Ocala Housing Authority (OHA) to administer $56,844 in Challenge Grant funds to provide permanent supportive housing to homeless families. On October 15, 2024 the BCC approved a first amendment to increase the agreement by $39,292.80. This second amendment to OHA will increase its agreement by $184,972.41 for a total amount of $281,109.21.  This additional funding will assist with case management and necessary repairs needed to OHA’s permanent supportive housing units. The Continuum of Care Board of Governors supports the increased funding to OHA.



Neutral; not to exceed $184,972.41



Recommended action

Motion to approve and authorize the Chair and Clerk to execute the Second Amendment to the Agreement between Marion County and Ocala Housing Authority to include all necessary documents associated with this agreement. end