File #: 2025-17971   
Type: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/30/2025 Meeting Body Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Request Approval to Declare Parcel Numbers 1806-002-030 and 9033-1112-05 as Surplus and Authorize Staff to Proceed with Donation to Kasher and Patel Real Estate Investment Group, LLC for Affordable Housing (Budget Impact - None)
Attachments: 1. LRM, 2. Purchase Agreement, 3. FS 125 Deed, 4. Location Map 1806-002-030, 5. Location Map 9033-1112-05




Request Approval to Declare Parcel Numbers 1806-002-030 and 9033-1112-05 as Surplus and Authorize Staff to Proceed with Donation to Kasher and Patel Real Estate Investment Group, LLC for Affordable Housing (Budget Impact - None)



INITIATOR:                                                                                                                              DEPARTMENT:

Steven Cohoon P.E., County Engineer                     Office of the County Engineer


This is a request to declare Parcel Number 1806-002-030 and Parcel Number 9033-1112-05 as surplus, and approve a Purchase Agreement and a Statute 125 Deed from Marion County to Kasher and Patel Real Estate Investment Group, LLC.

This request is associated with an Application for Conveyance or Lease of County Owned Property pursuant to provisions in Chapter 125.379 FS.

If approved, these parcels will be deeded from Marion County to Kasher and Patel Real Estate Investment Group, LLC to construct affordable housing. The applicant is subject to applying for a permit and completing construction of a single-family residence on each of the two (2) parcels of property conveyed herein within two (2) years from conveyance. In the event the Kasher and Patel Real Estate Investment Group, LLC do not comply within the two-year time-frame conditions, their rights will automatically terminate and revert to Marion County.

Additional terms and conditions are outlined in the Purchase Agreement.






Recommended action

Motion to approve Parcel Number 1806-002-030 and Parcel Number 9033-1112-05 as surplus, approve a Purchase Agreement, authorize staff to proceed with the donation and a Statute 125 Deed from Marion County to Kasher and Patel Real Estate Investment Group, LLC, and authorize the Chairman and Clerk to execute the same.
