Watermain Connection " Well Request " 31343-002-00 - Waiver Request to Water Connection
Project #2024100067 #32156 Parcel #31343-002-00
Wallick Matthew James
LDC 6.14.2.B(1)(A) - Connection Requirements
CODE states new development in the Urban or Rural area shall connect to a centralized water system with available capacity if a water line is within a connection distance of 400 feet times the total number of Equivalent Residential Connections (ERCs).
APPLICANT requests a waiver to the connection distance stating 249 feet triggers extension to over 400 feet, this is cost prohibitive and will not improve any other parcels. The SE 39th Lane connection is too far away. Marion County Utilities (MCU) estimates the cost will exceed $40,000 to run the 400 feet. In addition, per MCU the railroad will charge $50,000 making the total cost at least $90,000 to run water to the property. Adjacent properties are on well water. Applicant has secured lending through a VA loan. Applic...