Prestige Home Centers - Waiver Request to Major Site Plan
4020 S Pine Ave Ocala
Project #2024120060 #32335 Parcel #3111-014-000
Prestige Home Centers Inc.
LDC 2.21.1.A(1) - Major Site Plan
CODE states a Major Site Plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of a Building Permit or prior to the construction of site improvements when proposed improvements exceed any of the following thresholds: (1) Collectively, all existing and proposed impervious ground coverage equals or exceeds 35 percent of the gross site area or 9,000 square feet.
APPLICANT requests a waiver as the existing office 1,572 square feet. The replacement office is only 1,166 square feet or 74%of the old office is resulting in a 26% reduction in impervious area from the office. The total impervious is only 10,022 square feet (8,856 in driveway and 1,166 for the office) or 3.9% of the site. The office is even off-grade, on piers, which is not impervious area.
LDC 2.21.1.A(2) - Major Site Plan
CODE states A Major Site Plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of a Building Permit or prior to the construction of site improvements when proposed improvements exceed any of the following thresholds: (2) The combined driveway trip generation meets or exceeds 50 peak hour vehicle trips.
APPLICANT requests a waiver as the trips per day will average 6 per day, way below the 50-trip threshold.
LDC 2.21.1.A(3) - Major Site Plan
CODE states a Major Site Plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of a Building Permit or prior to the construction of site improvements when proposed improvements exceed any of the following thresholds: (3) A 24-inch diameter pipe, its equivalent, or larger is utilized to discharge stormwater runoff from the project area.
APPLICANT requests a waiver as a storm pipe greater than 24" is not necessary, nor in use.