File #: 2025-18138   
Type: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/11/2025 Meeting Body Planning & Zoning Commission
On agenda: 2/24/2025 Final action:
Title: 250107ZC - SUZIQ, LLC, Zoning Change from Heavy Business (B-5) to Mixed Residential (R-4) for a ?1.09 Acre Portion and a Zoning Change for an Additional ?1.09 Acre Portion from Mixed Residential (R-4) to Heavy Business (B-5), Overall Parcel Acreage is 26.30 Acres, Parcel Account Number 36887-000-00, Site Address 9110 S US Highway 441, Ocala, FL 34480
Attachments: 1. 250107ZC_SUZIQ_KB_P&Z Report, 2. Attachment A - Application, 3. Attachment B - Site Photos, 4. Attachment C - DRC Comments, 5. Attachment D - Surrounding Property Owners Notification




250107ZC - SUZIQ, LLC, Zoning Change from Heavy Business (B-5) to Mixed Residential (R-4) for a ±1.09 Acre Portion and a Zoning Change for an Additional ±1.09 Acre Portion from Mixed Residential (R-4) to Heavy Business (B-5), Overall Parcel Acreage is 26.30 Acres, Parcel Account Number 36887-000-00, Site Address 9110 S US Highway 441, Ocala, FL 34480




Rodney Rogers with Rogers Engineering, on behalf of property owner, SUZIQ LLC. c/o Roberta Scott, has filed an application to rezone a 1.09-acre portion of a 26.3-acre property near the intersection of SE 92nd Place Rd. and S. US Hwy 441 in Ocala, from Mixed Residential (R-4) to Heavy Business (B-5) and a separate 1.09-acre portion of the same parcel from Heavy Business (B-5) to Mixed Residential (R-4), pursuant to the provisions of Land Development Code (LDC) Division 2.7 - Zoning and LDC Section 4.2.21. The subject property is situated inside the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and in the County's Primary Springs Protection Overlay Zone (PSPOZ).
