Request Approval of Agency Contracts and Amendments for FY 2024-25 Disbursements and Present for Record (Budget Impact - None)
Susan Olsen, Director Procurement Services
Following the final budget hearing each year, the Finance Director provides Procurement Services with a list of agencies approved for County funding. Contracts resulting from this approval are either drafted by Procurement or submitted by the agency directly, or through other County departments. Contracts valued under $50,000 require only the County Administrator’s signature. All contracts are thoroughly reviewed, and once fully executed, they are coordinated through Procurement and recorded in the Contract Library.
The agencies’ FY 2024-25 contracts are detailed in the above table, corresponding to the listings in the Finance Director’s memo, attached for reference. Two contracts have already been presented at the previously referenced meeting, and others fall within the County Administrator’s approval threshold. All contracts are included for informational purposes. Pending approval at today’s meeting, those marked as “Pending” will be forwarded to the respective agencies for signature. Upon review and approval by Legal, they will be presented for signature by the Clerk and the Chair.
Recommended action
Motion to approve and authorize the Chair to execute contracts and amendments and authorize Procurement to process and release payments to all agencies listed herein in accordance with the annual funding memo provided to the Clerk of Court.