Request Approval of Fifth Contract Amendment: 12P-039-CA-05 Single Stream Recycling - Waste Pro of Florida, Inc., Ocala, FL (Budget Impact - Neutral; estimated additional annual expenditure of $90,000 as proposed in FY 2024-25 budget)
Susan Olsen, Director |
Procurement Services |
On June 5, 2012, the Board awarded a contract to Waste Pro of Florida, Inc. for single-stream recycling. The current contract charges Marion County $124.68 per ton to process the single-stream material collected at our recycling centers and from approved franchise haulers. Waste Pro of Florida, Inc. has requested a Consumer Pricing Index increase of 5.3% which would increase the processing rate to $131.29 per ton and add an estimated $90,000 annually. If approved today, the current rate of $124.68 will end December 31, 2024, and the new rate of $131.29 will begin January 1, 2025.
Attached for review is a draft contract amendment. Pending approval at today’s meeting, it will be sent to Waste Pro of Florida, Inc. for signatures and upon return, will be routed to the County Attorney, Clerk, and Chair for signatures.
Neutral; estimated annual increase of $90,000. This will vary, however, based on average market value and tonnage processed. Total annual cost shall not exceed approved FY budgeted amounts without being brought back to the Board for approval.
Recommended action
Motion to approve and allow staff to issue, and upon approval by Legal, authorize the Chair and Clerk to execute the Fifth Contract Amendment with Waste Pro of Florida, Inc. under RFP 12P-039.