Workshop to Discuss Updates to the Comprehensive Plan
Chuck Varadin, Director Growth Services
Florida Statute Section 163.3191 requires an evaluation of the Comprehensive Plan every seven years to ensure consistency with statutory requirements and community engagement. This Evaluation Appraisal Report (EAR) identified changes to the Comprehensive Plan that need to be completed over the next year (by February 2026).
The workshop today is the second of ten workshops scheduled over the next five (5) months. During this series of workshops, the Board will focus on gaining consensus for proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan and discuss broader topics that will help set the vision for guiding future growth and development in Marion County. At today’s workshop the Board will discuss bring-back items from the last workshop (economic, potable water, and aquifer elements) as well as step down approaches, protections of rural areas, and rural activity centers (RACs). The Board will also review proposed edits to the intergovernmental coordination element and the capital improvement element of the Comprehensive Plan.
Recommended action
Staff is seeking Board discussion and consensus on the proposed edits.