Marion Oaks Unit 9 Townhomes - Waiver Request to Major Site Plan in Review
Project #2024070047 #32259 Parcel #8009-1279-21
Menadier Engineering
LDC 6.14.2.A(1) - Sewer Connection requirements
CODE states Connection determination. (1) All new and expanding development projects shall contact Marion County Utilities (MCU) for determination of availability and/or point of connection. Within ten working days, MCU shall issue an official written determination advising the applicant if services are available and, if so, shall indicate the potential source, the nearest connection point, and the need for any additional off-site facilities. Potential sources may include MCU, a Public Service Commission (PSC) certified utility, a city, a community development district, or other entity authorized by the State of Florida to provide water or wastewater services through its system. Developer shall include the written determination with all applications for building permits and/or other development reviews.
APPLICANT requests to Waive the connection requirement. Project was not within connection distance during Minor Site Plan review. Required distance is 1600-ft and as of Oct 3, 2024 the nearest connection point is 1520-ft. Project and property acquisition was based on due diligence performed by client. Marion County Utilities provided email stating that sewer connection would not be required for five units.