File #: 2024-17733   
Type: Budget Amendment Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/3/2025 Meeting Body Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 1/21/2025 Final action:
Title: Marion County Utility Fund - Utilities Capital Construction - $4,809
Attachments: 1. 2025-4-116 $4,809, 2. Agenda Changes UTC000161 and UTC000162




Marion County Utility Fund - Utilities Capital Construction - $4,809



INITIATOR:                                                                                                                              DEPARTMENT:

Tony Cunningham, Director                                                               Utilities


Marion County entered into a purchase agreement on February 17, 2022, to purchase land for the Marion County Utilities department adjacent to the Oak Run Wastewater Treatment facility for possible expansion of this facility. This purchase agreement was amended with regard to Marion Center on July 6, 2022. Project string UTC000162 was set up for this purchase. As Finance was closing the year, it was noted that part of the purchase was charged to an incorrect Capital Improvement Program (CIP) project string. Based upon this, Finance reclassed this amount to the correct project string. This request is to transfer funds from the Utilities Acquisition project string (UTC000161) to cover the transferred funds so the project can be closed. This is a one-time request.






Recommended action

Approve attached Budget Amendment Resolution and amend the CIP.
