Please note: this meeting's Action Summary have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Development Review Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/26/2024 9:00 AM Action Summary status: Draft  
Meeting location: Office of the County Engineer
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published Action Summary: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
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   1. ROLL CALL   Not available
   2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE   Not available
   3. ADOPT THE FOLLOWING MINUTES:   Not available
2024-16413 13.1.MinutesAugust 19, 2024   Not available
   4. PUBLIC COMMENT   Not available
2024-16414 15.1.ConsentDouglas M Dawson Subdivision - Final Plat/Replat Project #2023080121 #30586 R.M. Barrineau And Associates This replat is to split parcel # 29860-011-02 into 3 lots. An Easement and Maintenance Covenant has been provided for recording placing the responsibility of maintenance of the ingress/egress easement amongst the individual owners of each parcel.   Not available
2024-16415 15.2.ConsentIsland Lake Resort - Replat - Final Plat/Replat Project #2023040006 #31661 CHW Professional Consultants The replat is to adjust the parcel lines of Parcel A which is used for access to Lots 1 - 4 (on an island). No other lots in the original subdivision are being changed and there are no improvements associated with this Final Plat.   Not available
2024-16416 15.3.ConsentMa Barker House Restoration Assistance - Major Site Plan Project #2023070011 #30367 CHW   Not available
2024-16417 15.4.ConsentMidway Terrace Apartments 9007-0101-27 - Major Site Plan Project #2023120072 #30983 Linn Engineering & Design   Not available
2024-16418 15.5.ConsentDebonair Estates (fka: Golden Ocala North Residential) - Preliminary Plat Project #2020090102 Preliminary Plat #29491 Tillman & Associated Engineering   Not available
   6. SCHEDULED ITEMS:   Not available
2024-16421 16.1.New BusinessNeighborhood Business Park at Palm Cay - Waiver Request to Major Site Plan in Review Project #2022070089 #31579 Parcel #35770-055-21 Kimley-Horn & Associates LDC 6.8.8.B - Building landscaping CODE states B. Landscape areas shall be provided adjacent to or within 25 feet from the building walls and shall extend along 60 percent of the total length of the wall, excluding those areas required for access to the building. APPLICANT requests waiver to allow less than 60 percent minimum screening of building due to proposed use and bay doors on each unit. LDC 6.8.6.K(2) - Buffers CODE states B-Type buffer shall consist of a 20-foot wide landscape strip with a buffer wall. The buffer shall contain at least two shade trees and three accent/ornamental trees for every 100 lineal feet or fractional part thereof. Shrubs and groundcovers, excluding turfgrass, shall comprise at least 50 percent of the required buffer. APPLICANT requests waiver from buffer wall requirement and to allow existing trees and natural vegetation to be used towards the buffer plant material requi   Not available
2024-16422 16.2.New BusinessOcala Palms 2024 Amenity Improvements - Waiver Request to Major Site Plan in Review 5234 NW 26th St Ocala Project #2024050072 #31601 Parcel #2151-000-001 Michael W Radcliffe Engineering LDC 6.8.2.A & B. - Landscape plan requirements CODE states A landscape plan which indicates the following is required for all development except for individual single-family homes and duplexes: A. All existing landscaping, indigenous open space, and natural features; B. Locations of existing protected trees, labeled and with sizes provided, groups of trees, landscaping and other vegetation to be preserved. APPLICANT requests waiver to omit Landscape Plan requirements as existing amenity center is fully landscaped and minimal disruption will occur. Any plantings damaged will be replaced with like kind. See attached four (4) photos of existing landscaping.   Not available
2024-16423 16.3.New BusinessConvenience Store @ US HWY 441 & SE 147TH PL - Waiver Request to Major Site Plan in Review Project #2023060042 #30312 Parcel #4593-006-001 Native Engineering LDC 2.1.3 - Order of Plan Approval CODE states Plans listed below may be reviewed concurrently, but must be approved in the order listed below, when applicable and when the proper land use and zoning are in place: A. Master Plan. B. Preliminary Plat. C. Improvement Plan. D. Final Plat. E. Major Site Plan. However, a Major Site Plan can be substituted for the Improvement Plan and can be approved before approval of the Final Plat in cases when the infrastructure improvements supporting the plat are proposed as part of the Major Site Plan application. APPLICANT states per the recently approved traffic study a 290-foot westbound right turn lane and a 100-foot eastbound left turn lane extension are required at the existing entrance to the site on 147th PL. We will be submitting a separate off-site improvement application for this review; however, we request that the site plan be approved with a condition that states fi   Not available
2024-16424 16.4.New BusinessThe Ole Oak Village - Waiver Request to Major Site Plan in Review 11987 S US HWY 301 Belleview Project #2022120053 #31223 Parcel #38538-000-00 Tillman & Associates Engineering LDC 2.18.4.C - Construction, completion, and close out CODE states All subdivision improvements shall be constructed in accordance with approved plans and shall conform to regulations and specifications in effect on the date of approval of the improvement plans. APPLICANT requests waiver to commence site grading prior to improvement plan approval, at the developer's risk. LDC 6.13.3.D(1) - Types of stormwater management facilities CODE states Residential subdivisions. Retention/detention areas shall have side slopes no steeper than 4:1 (horizontal: vertical) with a minimum berm width of 12 feet stabilized at six percent grade maximum around the entire perimeter of the facility. APPLICANT requests waiver for berm width criteria for private DRAs. Request a minimum berm width of five feet.   Not available
2024-16425 16.5.New BusinessCalesa Township-Perlino Grove (FKA: Calesa Phase 5) - Waiver Request to Preliminary Plat in Review 3835 SW 80th Ave Ocala Project #2024060025 #31660 Parcel #35300-000-14 Tillman & Associates Engineering LDC 6.12.9.K - Subdivision roads and related infrastructure CODE states Centerline radii shall be designed to accommodate the minimum design speed of 30 mph for subdivision local and minor local roads, 40 mph for major local and collector roads, and 45 mph for arterial roads in accordance with FDOT and AASHTO Standards. APPLICANT requests waiver to reduce design speeds to a minimum of 10 mph. Proposed curves warranting this design speed will have proper signage per MUTCD.   Not available
2024-16426 16.6.New BusinessCalesa Township-Perlino Grove (FKA: Calesa Phase 5) - Waiver Request to Improvement Plan in Review 3835 SW 80th Ave Ocala Project #2024060025 #31662 Parcel #35300-000-14 Tillman & Associates Engineering LDC 6.8.2. - Landscape plan requirements & LDC 6.9.2.A. - Irrigation submittal requirements CODE states A landscape plan which indicates the following is required for all development except for individual single-family homes and duplexes. CODE states an irrigation plan shall be provided prior to issuance of a development order or building permit. APPLICANT requests waiver to allow landscape submittals to be 90 days following improvement plan approval, as outlined in the attached. Please see "Landscape Submittals" attachment. LDC 6.7.4.D - Shade trees & LDC 6.7.8. - Protected tree replacement requirements CODE states Required shade trees shall meet the minimum size requirements in Section 6.8.10.C. CODE states All trees not permitted for removal must be protected and maintained. For those protected trees permitted for removal, trees shall be replaced in acco   Not available
2024-16427 16.7.New BusinessConley Family Holdings 484 - Waiver Request to Major Site Plan in Review Project #2024060073 #31719 Parcel #44617-005-00 Rogers Engineering This item is under the authority of the County Engineer. A deviation request was approved on 8/22/24 with the following condition: The driveway is approved as shown on the plans; however, a cross access easement lining up with the easement on the property to the east shall be provided. Additionally, if either parcel to the east or west redevelops as a commercial property, this driveway may be removed and connection to the other adjacent driveway made at the owner’s expense. LDC 6.11.5.B(3) - Driveway Access CODE states driveway location and minimum spacing shall be consistent with traffic safety standards. If standards cannot be achieved, the County Engineer or his designee can review and approve on a case-by-case basis. APPLICANT requests waiver because the existing cross-access easement is not paved and is located on a church's property. The project will have large trucks making deliveries on weekdays and box trucks making num   Not available
2024-16428 16.8.New Business2024 Barn Addition - Farring - Waiver Request to Major Site Plan 15390 S US HWY 301 Summerfield Project #2024080047 #31890 Parcel #47646-000-01 Abshier Engineering LDC 2.21.1.A(1) - Major Site Plan CODE states a major site plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit or prior to the construction of site improvements when proposed improvements exceed any of the following thresholds: (1) Collectively, all existing and proposed impervious ground coverage equals or exceeds 35 percent of the gross site area or 9,000 square feet. APPLICANT requests a waiver as the site is 10.97 acres. The owner will compensate for the excess runoff from the 9,000 sf. The proposed barn is 3,000 sf. They will work with Marion County Stormwater Staff on the required controls...Body   Not available
2024-16429 16.9.New Business2024 Barn Addition PIDs 36754-000-00 & 36749-001-00 - Waiver Request to Major Site Plan 8493 S Magnolia Ave Ocala Project #2024080050 #31891 Parcel #36754-000-00 & 36749-001-00 Abshier Engineering LDC 2.21.1.A(1) - Major Site Plan CODE states A Major Site Plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of a Building Permit or prior to the construction of site improvements when proposed improvements exceed any of the following thresholds: (1) Collectively, all existing and proposed impervious ground coverage equals or exceeds 35 percent of the gross site area or 9,000 square feet. APPLICANT states the site is 6.49 acres. The owner will compensate for the excess runoff from the 2,400 square feet proposed barn. We will work with Marion County Stormwater staff on the required controls.   Not available
2024-16430 16.10.New BusinessKerry Joseph - Waiver Request to Major Site Plan 4635 SW 117th Pl Ocala Project #2024080024 #31893 Parcel #3579-001-344 Abshier Engineering LDC 2.21.1.A(1) - Major Site Plan CODE states a Major Site Plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of a Building Permit or prior to the construction of site improvements when proposed improvements exceed any of the following thresholds: (1) Collectively, all existing and proposed impervious ground coverage equals or exceeds 35 percent of the gross site area or 9,000 square feet. APPLICANT requests a waiver as the owner will compensate for the increase of runoff from the existing and future planned impervious area over 9,000 square feet. They will work with Marion County staff on the required controls   Not available
2024-16431 16.11.New BusinessPole Building Construction - Waiver Request to Major Site Plan 5957 NE 43rd Lane Rd Silver Springs Project #2024080042 #31886 Parcel #16132-005-00 Desantis Anthony LDC 2.21.1.A(1) - Major Site Plan CODE states a Major Site Plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of a Building Permit or prior to the construction of site improvements when proposed improvements exceed any of the following thresholds: (1) Collectively, all existing and proposed impervious ground coverage equals or exceeds 35 percent of the gross site area or 9,000 square feet. APPLICANT requests waiver because they are constructing a 64-foot by 48-foot pole building that will exceed the 8,400 square feet impervious coverage requirement.   Not available
2024-16432 16.12.New BusinessCarty Timothy A & Carty Maureen P - Waiver Request for Family Division 8150 SE 21ST Ave Ocala Project #2024070033 #31765 Parcel #36659-002-02 Carty Timothy A Applicant requests to be reheard. This item was tabled on 7/29/24 allowing time for research of the easement. This was previously reviewed and published using the former language of the LDC for this section of Code and is republished here in the same format. LDC 2.16.1.B(10) - Family Division CODE states Family Division. A parcel of record as of January 1, 1992 that is located in the Rural Land may be subdivided for use of immediate family members for their primary residences. Within the Farmland Preservation area, each new tract and the remaining parent tract must be at least three (3) acres in size. Within the Rural Land outside of the Farmland Preservation area each new tract and the remaining parent tract must be at least one acre in size. In the Urban Area, only parcels of record as of January 1, 1992 which are low density residential property exceeding two acres in size may be divided for the us   Not available
2024-16433 16.13.New BusinessCMH INC - Waiver Request to Water Connection 4000 SE 56th Ter Ocala Project #2024080046 #31887 Parcel #3137-004-022 Permit #2024053482 Ellamia, LLC LDC 6.14.2.B(1)(a) - Water Connection CODE states New development in the Urban or Rural area shall connect to a centralized water system with available capacity if a water line is within a connection distance of 400 feet times the total number of Equivalent Residential Connections (ERCs). APPLICANT requests waiver because the property has existing well. New water main (which is 400 feet away) will cost $50,000 and take one year to complete. The cost for city water to be brought to homesite is way too expensive. The estimate is 48 to 55K. The timeline from MCU is 10 to 12 months which is too long for this home project. I did get an independent bid from Civil Works & Maintenance LLC and this estimate is almost $45K which is way too much also for our home project. This lot already has a working well and septic and if we have to bring city water to homesite, the costs that we will spend will make our porject way too    Not available
2024-16434 16.14.New BusinessCity of Belleview Utilities Water and Sewer Connection Waiver - Waiver Request to Water and Wastewater Connection 9830 SE 36TH AVE Belleview Project #2024030076 #31346 Parcel #3682-009-001 Freytes Erick R Applicant requests to be reheard. This item was previously approved by DRC on 4/8/24. The motion for the water connection was approved to use existing well on site. The motion for the sewer connection was approved using a nitrogen reducing septic system in lieu of connecting to the City. LDC 6.14.2.B(1)(A) - Connection Requirements & 6.14.2.B(2)(A)1 - Connection Requirements CODE states new single family residential in the Urban or Rural area shall connect to a centralized water system with available capacity if a water line is within a connection distance of 400 feet. CODE states new single family residential in the Urban or Rural area shall connect to a central sewer system if a sewer line from a central sewer system with available capacity is within a connection distance of 400 feet and connection may be made to the existing sewer line using a gravity line   Not available
   7. CONCEPTUAL REVIEW ITEMS:   Not available
   8. DISCUSSION ITEMS:   Not available
2024-16435 18.1.Discussion ItemPlanning & Zoning Commission Items for August 26, 2024 Marion County Growth Services Department    Not available
   9. OTHER ITEMS:   Not available
   10. ADJOURN:   Not available